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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2013 12:00pm-12:31pm PST

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>> item five, recommend adoption of the san francisco transportation plan this is an action item. >> before rachel comments i will say that i think that this effort in development of this san francisco transportation plan has been an extremely transparent and community engaged process and i am really happy that it is laying out our city's priorities through 2040, so the next 25-plus years, and i think that while the mayor's task force has complimented this effort by identifying the funding for the key projects, the transportation plan as presented is really a broad view that is balancing regional transportation needs, equity, as well, and the needs of all of our riders in san francisco, and i just wanted to thank, rachel for the great process, >> thank you, principal transportation planner, i will be brief and there is a lot in here and let me know if we should go back to any item.
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>> as congestion agency we prepare a plan that covers all modes of transportation in the city wha. this does is help to prioritize and make the best case maximize our share. of state, federal and regional, resources the first plan was in 2004 and the basis for the prop k sales tax which was approved by over 75 percent of the voters in 2003, and this is the time to update the plan and, and the new plans have been adopted and a lot of the accomplishments from the first plan have been made, and so it is time to adopt a new one. but the plan is designed to address our goals that have emerged, in the last ten years.
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in the ideas of livebility and healthy environment and we have the climate goals that we need to achieve and the state of good repair needs and the plan... and the goals and we started off with these goals and also the estimate of the resources that we expect to have through 2040. and the needs that partner agencies have identified, as well as the input from the public. through our citizen advisory committee for this process as well as the public input that we conducted throughout physical therapy process of developing the plan, and we also include the development of the strategy, but to help to make the best use of these investments and what we presented or unveiled in the spring was a draft investment stragtgy and a draft vision
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investment strategy, that would propose the best way to invest, resources beyond what we expect to have or anticipate having. and further throughout the summer. and presented a revised scenario and two investment scenarios. and the policy recommendations early they are fall and also, along with the involvement strategy and the policy recommendations and the revenue strategy, finally the final piece is we are coordinating this sftp development with the preparation of the next five years of prop k and so the five year organization program for prop k and you can consider the early action program for the sftp is starting to implement what the recommendations are over the next five years.
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and so, we expect to have 75 billion between now and 2040 in transportation in san francisco and 90 percent of it is really already committed or already needed, for a certain projects or purposes to maintain the system that we have today and to complete the projects and so it is about 5 billion dollars that is discretionary and we can decide how to use and this discretionary revenue, includes both the existing revenues as well as revenues that we anticipate having, such as a new bridge tour or such as something similar to the bond state, and the bond programs that we have had in recent years. this is the summary of the plan, and most of that is needed on the ongoing maintenance of the system and
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the first major. and the discretionary dollars within this were about five billion are balanced along the state of good repair needs and the programs and enhancements and the efficiency in the expansion projects and we also developed a vision scenario. which would add or would expect that we would have some sources and some combinations of additionally new locally controlled sources to add about the eleven and a half billion dollars to the revenue that we expect.
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this is how that additional 7 and a half billion could be invested it needs to be balanced among the state of good repair and programs and enhancements and efficiency in expansion projects and the, recommendations of sftp can be summarized in five categories and the first one is that improve thating and getting towards more stable transit operation and maintenance, and something to highlight here and i will, just want to note as i go into these, that all of these recommendations are detailed in the closure and which is also on our website. so folks who... >> move start >> yes, move smart and i will put the website up at the end and our e-mail. and so, just flag the highlights in each of these five areas of recommendation,
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this one is about investing in the regular vehicle maintenance and we need to, and to improve the reliability of the system we need to put coordinated street delivery city wide and this one is about fe. we cannot
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do it alone and to meet the certain needs and most cost effectively and really takes the partnerships with the institution and employers and community based organization and that is what this third recommendation is about i also want to note that, about half the benefits of the sftpa investment and scenario and come from those types of demand management techniques and so, it is about better more closely connecting the choice to drive with the cost of driving.
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so in the investment plan which is the 75 billion dollar plan, we have got as far as towards those objectives as we can and while balancing other needs that we have for the system, but it is really only with the new revenues that we think that we can fully achieve those goals
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the fourth area is efficiently using the system that we have, and this is not just about the transit system... it is also about the other networks like the freeways and how best support, sort of, the high occupancy vehicles, through our freeway network, for instance, this is a recommendation coming out of the sftp to look at how we can best make use of the freeway infrastructure and other projects the bus rapid transit and another corridors, and the others that are going to serve the south east and part of the city in the eastern neighborhoods and other rapid corridors throughout the city and then finally, more of the policy or the way that we do business side of things is that a set of recommendations about the project delivery and both the approaches to the project
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delivery as well as the funding of the new revenues that it will take to deliver all of the projects that we know and need. and we identify our system research into ways to more efficiently, deliver both small and large types of projects and those are included in among the sftp recommendations. and we just completed a major round of out reach on these recommendations, and one of the key features of this round of out reach is that we partnered with about eleven different community-based organizations to reach, communities of certain, and non-english speaking communities and so we got a lot of broad participation in the out reach and to summarize the main things that we heard back, were first of all over all, we heard people write, in a broad sense, that these five categories resonated with people, as priorities. and really the feedback that we
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got was about, implementation, and monitoring to see how well we actually made progress towards our goals as we go along and the interest in making sure that the investments are equitiable and monitoring to make sure is how many project are we making towards the other goals like the vehicle trips and our reduction and the bike and pedestrian safety goals. and also, wanting to make sure that there is opportunity for input on some of the major specific project as they are developed further. and so, with that i will close, and i am happy to answer any more questions, about the particulars of the plan, there are some aspects, or some areas that i could highlight of ways to implement the sftp, and these are sort of the five things that i would highlight as ways to start implementing
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and these are not just things that the transportation authority, that they are responsible for and that it is a mult i, agency. and that is a good start. and the city is developing the implementation plan for the pedestrian strategy and developing our freeway, network, and strengthening the services and the quality of the network in the eastern neighborhood needs to be something that is a partnership with mtc and mta and, so we can come back to you, in the
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future, with >> commissioner kim, thank you. >> and i will pose in questions today but not to get them answered, but maybe for the next time that we have this conversation there are differences in how the funding is prioritize td over the next years and i am
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sure that both will be evolveevolving as we have further discussions. >> there is a lot of conversation about how to fund the needs through 2030 and it really drives home how important our existing local funding sources. and i am glad to see that there is a vision for the south of market and that is elevated to an action item and i appreciate to that and i am looking forward to the implementation
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of the programs and this is not an exaggeration to say that the worst in the south of market can be difference between life-and-death and so it is important that we are able to fund these safety improvements for the safety of our residents >> thank you, commissioner kim. >> i could just actually respond to the first question about consistency with the task force recommendations and so actually they are broadly consistent. and the sfgp and our revenue analysis and their revenue analysis identified the same sort of top revenue candidates and then, the investment scenarios are broadly consistent in what they identify, of course, our plan is through 2040 is through 2030 and so we have, that additional
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time period of priorities, but, anything to add that? >> yeah. >> and yeah, i just wanted to add that i really appreciate the hard work on this and i know that even from the social media stuff from the facebook page to the other things that you were trying to get this to be as transparent and successful to the public as possible and i am glad that developing our or those partnerships and approaches and input is that it is transparent of a process as possible and then developing the equity framework is critical and i know that at a meeting of abag and the government that commissioner kim and i were just out and defining, and really focusing the transportation and planning on economy analysis is so critical. and we are seeing that at the regional level as well. and so i am glad that we are so inner twined with what is happening at the regional level, too. >> thank you. just in closing i wanted to thank the board so much for your guidance and your hard
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work and for appointing a great sit ten for the committee to avice her on the team and that public out reach really strengthen and bol tered our efforts to make sure that we are covering and addressing the most important needs and to help to think about that with the city partner and the regional partners as well. i want to thank all of the other agencies who did participate, mta and all of the city agencies the regional agencies as well and we will continue to work with them on the prop k five year programs as rachel said to implement it in every neighborhood across the city. i want to thank her for the hard work and the ex-tened team and the multiple sections of the transportation authority and all of whom collaborated over the past seven years to be sure that we captured the needs and opportunities for the city. >> thank you. >> let's open this up for public comment, is there anyone from the public that would like to speak, please come forward.
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>>. >> good afternoon, kim and, fellow commissioners, my name is jackie sacks and we have heard this item and the meeting last week, and sort of thing, but they have one thing and the points that i brought up at the meeting last week i am going to bring up again and i brought them up last month as well, at the full board meeting number one, regarding the mayor's chance of the task force, and they have all of these money and this and all of these billions of dollars of money and want to ex-exist in the transit and the improvements in the city but the thing that you got to remember, one thing that you got to remember is number one, is a couple of years you george to have, and i am working on prop k right now funding. and right now in a couple of years you are going to have to
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go before the voters to reauthorize prop to make sure that those are in prop k to get done first and number two, since i have been on the advisory committee since 97 i have also been involved in the five year ppp and i work with the executive director on one of them, and this sort of thing and the other thing that you got to remember is that you have got to figure out what has been done in the past, and in the last five year ppp. was, and what has to be done to those first, and those things items first. before you do anything else. and the last thing that i want to tell you is that in the 20 year plan this sort of thing is that there is, and you have the geary bus rapid transit. and item in prop k. and there is also, but there is
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no funding for a light rail project. and what the light rail on geary was the only project from prop b that was carried over to prop b that has not been funded and you got to look at that first. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else that would like to speak? >> public comment is closed. >> could we move this without a objection to a positive recommendation? >> item six. >> recommend approval of the 2013 san francisco congestion management program. >> and i believe that we have kolen dental post presenting. >> good morning, commissioners, transportation planner, and i will be very brief here given the time, this is on page 99 and this is the bi annual
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update to the san francisco congestion management program. and the purpose of this cmt is to really link the performance of the system which we monitor every two years, and about the transit and auto as well as the pedestrian and bicycle metrics that we work with other agencies to provide. and we linked that to our land use policies, and how we managed the system in terms of transportation demand management and regional policy as well. and so linking that back to the plan in the area and the regional transportation plan and so trying to link all of those, all of those pieces and pull that altogether and that is really the crux of what the cmt is all about. we are required as the congestion management agency to update the cmt every two years
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per state legislation. and so, since, 1991, we have done this every two years. and there are required elements of the cnt that we are required to update in order to and this is important in order to maintain the eligibility for the state gas tax as well as other revenues and also, to confirm our priorities for the regional transportation improvement program. this slide just quickly summarizes some of the elements of this cmt, and so, there is as i mentioned the performance monitoring and we also update a summary of our land use policies, and our transportation demand policies, and where those are, at this point. and we update our capitol improvement program, as part of this, so that identifies what
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our priorities are, and that is in that is consistent with the regional transportation plan. and that goes to mtc, and lastly, we update our summary of our transportation demand management or our transportation demand model to maintain its consistency. just want to highlight a few of the results from our performance monitoring which we found to be interesting. and we looked at speeds of traffic, along the designated cmt network which consists of freeways in the city as well as primarily, the main arteries and the network crosses the entire city, and we found that traffic speeds over the last two years have actually increased a little bit since the last monitoring period we found it a little surprising because as you know there has been a lot of economic growth and we would have expected that
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increased commuting would reduce the speeds, but what we have seen is that due to a couple of factors we believe that are responsible, number one, a little less construction and so the drive is open and it was not when we did our monitoring two years ago and as well as the increase in rider ship and are resulting in what we are seeing, slightly higher speeds today and so those speeds on the network are generally in the 17 to 18 mile an hour and on the artery segment and the 30 to 40 miles an hour on the peaks of the freeway network. on the transit side we are seeing that the speeds across the network are between eight and nine miles per hour on average, across the cmp network. and those speeds are actually slightly down from two years ago and so unfortunately that is pulling the auto speeds and transit speeds in with the
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wrong direction and so, that is a little of the concern, and some of that goes back to the ridership and so increasing the rider ship can actually decrease the transit speeds because of the time it takes the people to load and unload and so these are just a few of the highlights from that transit analysis that we have done and i am happy to take any questions that you have about that. >> and finally, just some key policy updates, and now that we have made just to make sure that the cmp is consistent with our local policies such as our new sftp as well as the policies that i mentioned earlier at the regional level. so, with that i will conclude and i am happy to take any questions that you may have. >> i koent don't see any questions, let's see if there is any public comment, is there anyone that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you so much. commissioner campos? >> i move to item forward. >> thank you.
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>> could we do this without objection? >> thank you. >> miss cheng next item? >>geary corridor bus rapid transit project update on staff-recommended alternative. information item. >> thank you for giving a packed meeting and i know that it was a chilly night as well. but very complex project that the geary. and the meeting kind of showed, but i think that there is more education going on with the people being aware of the benefits, and also the concerns that some have as well, but i really appreciate the transportation efforts to raise awareness about improving geary boulevard for the transit riders and pedestrians and driver and merchants. and i am appreciative that 2018 is the new date.
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and that is what we can get to improve the geary boulevard and serving as many passengers as the full system every day as well. and so, it is an incredible amount of work but i really appreciate all of the effort of the staff. >> mr. fung? >> thank you, and good afternoon, the committee members. >> this is a project as he has mentioned, and so we are in the middle of the out reach round, and we have reached the major milestone and i want to talk about that and i understand that we have time con constraints. >> we are going to lose our quorum, in a couple of minutes, okay. >> and it is i feel like it is unfair to you because you have been waiting so patiently, and i am just trying to think should we do our best to keep these updates going and to thank staff for the
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presentation and to ask him to just wrap it up? >> sure. >> could you ask him to highlight that upcoming and keep you informed through the regular monthly updates and my apologies. >> >> i wanted to be clear what this project is, and we have a a staff recommendalive that we would like to share with the public and it is a recommended alternative that we feel we have got alignment on between the public agencies and the city agencies including sfmta and i would like to thank the staff for the really strong coordination that is happened in the past several months to get us to this point. and this is for the side running bus configuration from the eastern corridor and the downtown area to just passed masonic avenue and coming into the center and with the right
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side loading and consolidated local and brt stops in that area up until 27th avenue and out to the side, for a side bus lanes until 33rd avenue and then the mixed flow and so that is the configuration and staff recommended that we are presenting to the public at this point. we would like to release this in the summer of 2014, and in the fall, we would like to bring in an item to the transportation authority board to select and endorse this alternative and then include it in the final environmental document at the end of 2014. so this is not the last opportunity to comment on this alternative but this is the